Baroque ‘n Consort
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal 161in Walker Room
in Walker Room
in Walker Room
in Fell Room
Meets in Walker Room
in Irvin Room
See Zoom link in banner to participate online.
What's Your UU Elevator Speech*? March 9, 11:30-12:30, Walker Room Would you like to be able to talk about your faith and our church but have trouble putting it into … Continue reading What’s Your UU Elevator Speech?
Contact the office for information on how to join. [email protected].
Meatless Mondays Drop-in Potluck 6-8:00PM every Monday, Fell Room Bring your dinner, bring something to share, or just stop by. A meatless main dish will be provided every week. If … Continue reading Drop In Potluck