Ongoing Groups
More information about these groups is available in the Parish News. Older editions of the Parish News can be found at the “News & Events” tab of the website, or ask Blair, our office manager at [email protected], to add you to the email list to receive the weekly Parish News in your inbox.
Monday Brown Bag Conversations (aka “Lunch Bunch”)
Bring your lunch to the Fell Room on Mondays to start your week with good company and lively conversation. We light the chalice at 11:45 am and extinguish it at 1:00 pm.
Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners
Sitting will begin between 7 and 7:30 initially, to allow new folks to receive basic instruction. Following a 20-minute sit we will share a reading from a recognized dharma teacher with discussion to follow. While much of the practice and the terminology are rooted in Buddhist practice, this is intended to be a secular, non-religious practice. All are welcome.
PFLAG Bloomington-Normal is not a UU-affiliated organization, though it meets at UUBN. More information can be found at or at
Bloomington-Normal Meditation Group
The Bloomington-Normal Meditation Group formed over ten years ago. We meet once a week on Sunday evenings in the Walker Room from 6:00-7:30 pm.
We follow a fixed routine: 20 minutes of sitting meditation, 20 minutes of walking or sitting meditation, and another 20 minutes of sitting meditation. A chime marks the transitions between meditation periods. The meditations are followed by 30 minutes of discussion usually relating to a chapter of a book, essay, or talk we are reading together. Participation in the discussion is always optional. We share leadership within the group.
Everyone is welcome so please join us (plan on arriving 5-10 min early as we start the meditation right at 6:00). We offer basic meditation instructions to visitors if needed, and more information is available at our website or by contacting the church.
Covenant Groups
Covenant Groups deepen spiritual exploration and connection in a small group setting. Group members are challenged to move away from abstraction and intellectualizing, to engage with spiritual practices, and consider how spiritual questions might apply to their daily living.
Using a packet connected to each month’s spiritual theme, group members select one question and an exercise that challenges them personally. Connections are made at the monthly meeting when stories are shared of what was hopefully a deeper, personal experience with the theme.
Each Covenant Group has no more than 10 members. Contact Terina if you’d like to learn more or if you’re ready to join.
First Sunday Non-Fiction Book Discussion
Every first Sunday of the month, the group meets to discuss non-fiction books chosen by participants. The book topics guide participants to think about the real-world application of our Unitarian Universalist principles.
BN Humanist Group
The BN Humanists discussion group includes regular participants from UUBN and the wider local community. Discussions focus on matters of human well-being including arts, popular culture, human rights, education, philosophies, health, environment, current headlines, national and international politics, race, current religious issues impacting human well-being, and many more.
The group is committed to welcoming and respecting all viewpoints, and to holding a comfortable inclusive space for both quiet introverts and outspoken extroverts. Any adults are welcome to join the email list – occasional invitations are extended to teens for topics of interest.
BN Humanists meet at 7:00 pm on the first and third Wednesdays.
ManyPaths CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans)
ManyPaths CUUPs is UUBN’s group of the national Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS). CUUPS is dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals.
Rituals and social gatherings, based on earth-centered traditions, are posted on Facebook. If you are a Pagan or have an interest in Paganism, please visit our page and leave us a message.
Share Your Writing
Participants read their own writing – poetry, fiction, essays, stage or video scripts, letters to the editor – or talk about what they are thinking of writing. Discussion after reading may include questions or feedback if desired.
Dinners for Eight
Singles, couples, and families enjoy potluck dinners with other UUs. Sign-ups happen periodically.