Event Registration
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal serves the community by sharing its resources, including physical facilities, with nonprofit organizations, service groups, and individuals whose activities are compatible with the goals and principles of Unitarian Universalism.
We now have multiple ways to gather. Rooms in our building and space on our grounds may be reserved using the appropriate forms below. If an online/multi-platform meeting is preferred, the church’s Zoom account may be reserved instead of physical space– or in addition, in the case of meeting with both online and in-person participants.
Church committees and groups may reserve space and/or Zoom rooms for meetings on a first-come, first-served basis by completing the form below.
Outside groups or individuals wishing to rent space should complete a Church Rental Contract linked here. Contact the church office at [email protected] if your have questions or for more information.
The congregation’s programming needs have priority for building/Zoom usage. Next in priority are groups with which the congregation has had long-term rental contracts. Following in priority are affiliated organizations and requests from other groups.