Bloomington Normal Meditation Group
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal 161Contact the office for information on how to join. [email protected].
Contact the office for information on how to join. [email protected].
Queer Youth Group for Middle and High Schoolers. Questions? Email [email protected]
Church Office Closed
Meatless Mondays Drop-in Potluck 6-8:00PM every Monday, Fell Room Bring your dinner, bring something to share, or just stop by. A meatless main dish will be provided every week. If your Monday dinner is drive-thru between activities, but you have twenty minutes to stop at church and make it a family meal, come on in. … Continue reading Drop In Potluck
If you're interested in joining please email [email protected].
in Walker Room
6:00-8:00, bring your dinner or snack if you’d like, 3rd and 4th Tuesday evening of each month, in person in Irvin Room, bad weather on zoom February 18 & 25 - 2 session with RG March 18 & 25 - 2 sessions with RG April 15 & 22 - 2 sessions with RG May 20 … Continue reading Love at the Center Covenant Group
in Walker Room
in Walker Room
Final Friday Fun, Food, and Fellowship All are invited to this new monthly event. We'll have games for all ages, pizza, and snacks. Bring a snack to share. If you have a favorite game and want more people to play it with, bring your game along too. We'll be in Fell Room with a quieter … Continue reading Final Friday Fun, Food, and Fellowship