Adult Choir
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal 161Meets in Walker Room
Meets in Walker Room
in Irvin Room
See Zoom link in banner to participate online.
What's Your UU Elevator Speech*? March 9, 11:30-12:30, Walker Room Would you like to be able to talk about your faith and our church but have trouble putting it into … Continue reading What’s Your UU Elevator Speech?
Contact the office for information on how to join. [email protected].
Meatless Mondays Drop-in Potluck 6-8:00PM every Monday, Fell Room Bring your dinner, bring something to share, or just stop by. A meatless main dish will be provided every week. If … Continue reading Drop In Potluck
in Walker Room
Email the office for the Zoom Link.
in Walker Room