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Unitarian Universalist Church
of Bloomington-Normal
Our Chalice

Upcoming Events
Church Calendar

Announcements and News

A Welcoming Congregation

1613 E. Emerson
Bloomington, IL

Voice Mail: 309.828.0235

Email: [email protected]

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Church Fund Raising

Web Master
[email protected]

For access to the Members' secure pages, please contact the Web Master or the Church Office


Covenant Groups

What Is a Covenant Group?

A Covenant Group is an intentional small community formed within the church. Members and friends of the church who form a Covenant Group voluntarily commit to meeting on a regular basis with a defined structure and process. Ritual, discussion and reaching out to the wider community are part of Covenant Groups. The group agrees on the topics to explore which typically revolve around spirituality or paths to living a deeper, more purposeful life. Leaders for the groups are trained and supported.

Covenant Group Vision

Covenant Groups foster liberal religious living through worship, study, service and fellowship. Members of a covenant group seek truth in freedom and strive to apply that truth in love with each other. Covenant groups enrich members' lives, create a helpful fellowship in the congregation, and further just and compassionate living.

Why Belong To a Covenant Group?

The intent of Covenant Groups is to meet individual needs for intimacy and connection in a growing congregation and to have Covenant Groups strengthen and support the larger community.

The Adult Religious Education Committee explored ways to respond to the needs of our members for intimacy, a deeper sense of community and spiritual growth as the fellowship continues to become larger. Small Groups were partially meeting those needs.

How Do Groups Form?

Our minister and the Adult Religious Education Committee works with the Covenant Group Facilitators to create new Covenant Groups. Group size is about 12 people.

Who Leads The Meetings?

Facilitators are chosen, trained, and supported by our minister and the Covenant Group Committee. Co-facilitators may be selected to support each other and allow for a new group to form as the group grows.

What Happens At a Covenant Group Meeting?

Typically the meeting lasts about one hour. It begins with an opening reading and chalice lighting. Then there is a group check -in. The group selects a topic that is consistent with the Purposes and Principles and the mission of the UUCBN. There is thoughtful discussion and significant reflection on the topic. The focus is on sharing rather than on debating. The meeting closes with a simple check-out by each person and a closing reading. Each group agrees on a service to perform for the church each year.

What Do The Facilitators Do?

The facilitators handle the logistics of the meeting. They make sure the group begins and ends on time. They help the group stay focused on their reflection and discussion topic. They meet with the minister and other facilitators to help maintain the connection between groups and the larger fellowship.

How Often Do Groups Meet?

Meetings take place at least once a month. They are typically held at our church.

How Long Will I Be in a Group?

The commitment to a group is open-ended. There is a six month recommitment date in which members can choose to stay, ask to join another group, or leave Covenant Groups altogether.

What is Expected of Covenant Group Participants?

Participants are expected to bring a positive attitude and a willingness to share and to learn. They give the agreed upon meetings a high priority and make an effort to attend every meeting.

How Do I Join a Group?

Please contact our Minister or the Chair of the Adult Religious Education Committee.


Church Year

September through May:

Sunday Service is at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Nursery is available for services

June through August:

Sunday Summer Programs are at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care is available

Join us and stay for coffee and conversation. All are welcome!

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Please direct comments on these pages to [email protected]

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal