Rose Window
Unitarian Universalist Church
of Bloomington-Normal
Our Chalice

Upcoming Events
Church Calendar

Announcements and News

A Welcoming Congregation

1613 E. Emerson
Bloomington, IL

Voice Mail: 309.828.0235

Email: [email protected]

Map to Our Church

Church Fund Raising

Web Master
[email protected]

For access to the Members' secure pages, please contact the Web Master or the Church Office


Facilities Stewardship Committees


Original BuildingBuilding and Grounds

The purpose of the Buildings and Grounds Committee is to maintain and improve the Church building, furniture, equipment, utilities, grounds and parking lot. Among its responsibilities are to:

  • Maintain the utilities, including the heating/cooling systems in the building, and coordinate any professional maintenance services
  • Keep all furniture and small equipment in a functional condition and budget for new purchases
  • Maintain the lawn around the Church and keep all equipment necessary for this purpose in operating condition
  • Coordinate all services necessary to maintain the landscaping on Church property
  • Maintain the parking lot and contract each fall for a snow removal service
  • Coordinate all custodial and other services necessary to maintain the Church building and facilities
  • Recommend to the Church Board policy governing use of the Church facilities and grounds
  • Organize and coordinate volunteer work groups to clean and maintain Church property
  • Develop and keep an up-to-date inventory of Church property
  • Initiate budget requests for any major expenditures for the Church building, furniture, equipment, utilities, grounds and parking lot


The Insurance Committee makes an annual review of the Church insurance portfolio and recommends to the Board of Directors any changes it feels are appropriate. The Insurance Committee serves as direct liaison with the Church's insurance agent in addressing the insurance needs of the Church.

The Committee also serves as a risk analysis and risk management resource. It may make recommendations to the Board of Directors to address risk exposure the Committee identifies through monitoring of the Church building, grounds and activities, and through its annual review of the Insurance program.

In the event of an insured loss, the Chair of the Insurance Committee will act as liaison with the Church's insurance agent and with the insurance carrier.

Memorial Garden Stewards

The charge to the Memorial Garden Stewards includes the operation and maintenance of the Memorial Garden. Guidelines address such issues as:

  • Eligibility of persons who may use the Memorial Garden
  • The purposes for which the Memorial Garden may be used
  • What types of memorials (markers, plaques, etc) may be placed in the Memorial Garden
  • The keeping of records of persons memorialized
  •  A policy for the interment or scattering of remains within the Memorial Garden
  • Provisions to maintain the appearance and upkeep of the Memorial Garden
Church Year

September through May:

Sunday Service is at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Nursery is available for services

June through August:

Sunday Summer Programs are at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care is available

Join us and stay for coffee and conversation. All are welcome!

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Please direct comments on these pages to [email protected]

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal