Rose Window
Unitarian Universalist Church
of Bloomington-Normal
Our Chalice

Upcoming Events
Church Calendar

Announcements and News

A Welcoming Congregation

1613 E. Emerson
Bloomington, IL

Voice Mail: 309.828.0235

Email: [email protected]

Map to Our Church

Church Fund Raising

Web Master
[email protected]

For access to the Members' secure pages, please contact the Web Master or the Church Office


Our Traditions

Our Church was first organized, as the “Free Congregational Society” in 1859, became the “Unitarian Church” in 1885, and the “Unitarian Universalist Church” in 2002. Our pride in our history can be seen in our 1903 tracker organ and stained glass windows taken from our original building when we moved to our present location in 1960. “Free thinking” has always been a part of our tradition, as is Unitarianism (one God) and Universalism (Salvation for all). We are non-creedal and thus include Christian Unitarians Universalists as well as religious humanists, theists, Buddhists, pagans and others. Our Chalice comes from a religious symbol crafted by the Unitarian Service Committee while engaged in refugee work in Europe during the Second World War. The Flaming Chalice is UUism’s unofficial symbol, and chalices are lit in UU Churches across the continent.

The Church year begins in September and ends in June. Our Worship Committee provides summer programming from June through August. Sunday Services, September through May, (10:00 am) include spiritual sermons and social justice topics, as well as a number of special traditions:

  • Rock and Water Ingathering in September, when we bring mementos from our summer and celebrate the beginning of the Church year.
  • United Nations Sunday in October, when we remember the former ambassador to the United Nations and member of our Church, Adlai E. Stevenson. Jr, and his efforts toward world peace.
  • Mitten Tree Service a week before Christmas, when we decorate our Christmas tree with mittens, gloves, and scarves for the needy children of the community.
  • Christmas Eve Candle Lighting, when we celebrate the middle of winter and our religious heritage.
  • Earth Day in April, when we raise our environmental awareness.
  • Flower Communion on Memorial Day weekend, when we celebrate spring and honor the memory of Norbert and Maja Capek’s struggle for religious freedom in early 20th century Europe.

Our services may also include child dedications and “Song of Life” testimonials from members. Our Sunday services usually feature our Senior Minister, but may also be conducted by our Associate Minister or Affiliated Minister. Occasionally we have a Guest Minister or a service organized by our Worship Committee. Music is a very special part of our services and there are several groups dedicated to this purpose:

  • Occasional Singers for adults
  • Emerson Street Singers for children
  • Fairly Frequent Singers for youth

Lifespan Religious Education is an important part of our Church. The Children’s Religious Education Committee and the Adult Religious Education Committee organize our religious education programs. Programs for children’s religious education are available for both Sunday Services throughout the Church year. Part of the adult education program is the Build Your Own Theology course for new members taught by our Minister. Other adult education offerings appear regularly throughout the Church year.

We also have a number of traditional Fellowship events throughout the Church year organized by our Fellowship Committee. All members and friends are encouraged to attend.

Turkey Smoke in September


Soup Potluck and Halloween Party in October

Pledge Drive Celebration in October


Thanksgiving Dinner in November

Congregational Meeting Lunch in December


Christmas Open Houses in December

Christmas Coffee/Wassail in December


New Year’s Eve Party

Children’s Religious Education Potluck and Game Night in January


Congregational Meeting Lunch in February

St. Patrick’s Day Share and Care Potluck in March


Wine Tasting Party in April

Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast in May


Ice Cream Sundae Sunday in May

Biking Excursion in June


Our Board of Directors, Church Officers, various volunteer committees, and two Congregational meetings (December and February) serve to conduct the business of our Church. Directors and Officers are elected at the December Congregational meeting. Church Officers are President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The nine Directors and four Officers constitute the Board of Directors together with nonvoting Staff. Meetings of the Board of Directors occur the first Tuesday of each month and are open to all Church Members and Friends. Financing of Church activities comes from an annual Pledge Campaign conducted by the Finance Committee in October. The budget for the next fiscal (calendar) year is approved at the December Congregational meeting. The Church Trust Fund is administered by four Trustees elected by the Congregation and includes restricted funds, dedicated to specific purposes, and unrestricted funds, available for major Church expenses.

Gordon Redding, November 2010

Church Year

September through May:

Sunday Service is at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Nursery is available for services

June through August:

Sunday Summer Programs are at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care is available

Join us and stay for coffee and conversation. All are welcome!

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Please direct comments on these pages to [email protected]

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal