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Unitarian Universalist Church
of Bloomington-Normal
Our Chalice

Upcoming Events
Church Calendar

Announcements and News

A Welcoming Congregation

1613 E. Emerson
Bloomington, IL

Voice Mail: 309.828.0235

Email: [email protected]

Map to Our Church

Church Fund Raising

Web Master
[email protected]

For access to the Members' secure pages, please contact the Web Master or the Church Office


Ministry Support Committees

Committee on Ministry

The purpose of the Committee on Ministry (COM) is to serve the health of the congregation by periodically reviewing the effectiveness of all the congregation’s ministries. These ministries are three: that of the minister to the congregation, of the congregation to one another and of the congregation to the wider world. The committee’s purview will include more than just the ministers’ performance and conduct. The COM will serve as an impartial observer of congregational life, not advocating particular policies on behalf of members or the ministers.

The committee will consist of three members serving three-year staggered terms with no more than two consecutive terms. Members will be appointed by the Board from a slate offered by the ministers, the slate containing twice as many names as open slots on the committee. Coincident with the arrival of a called minister at least 1 member of the Ministerial Search Committee will be appointed to the COM.


  • Take the lead in conducting an overall congregational assessment every 3-5 years including reviewing or crafting a congregational mission statement. Possible a ssessment models are provided in UUA documents Congregational Assessment (published June 2001 by the UUA’s Fulfilling the Promise committee) and Assessing Our Leadership, available from the Ministry and Professional Leadership department at the UUA. Used together they may provide a foundation for continually renewing ministry.
  • Meet jointly with the ministers on a monthly basis in a non-crisis, goal-oriented manner to review minister/congregation relationships and explore any concerns or challenges and the congregation's own role and agreed-responsibility in shared ministry . Should matters of a personal nature arise each of the ministers will have the option to request a confidential, private meeting with the committee.
  • Alert the Board to any emerging concerns between the ministers and the congregation.
  • Provide input to employee review process and assess congregational performance with respect to leadership goals.
  • Receive, investigate, and respond to all matters affecting the minister/congregation relationships and in concert with the ministers take action to manage conflict. If the minister becomes the focus of a conflict, the minister and the COM will work cooperatively toward an appropriate response in light of the congregation’s values, mission statement, leadership goals, and its understanding of right relations. If necessary the COM will consult with the Board regarding involving the District Executive or other outside resources.
  • Offer routine feedback to the ministers on issues affecting their relationships with the congregation and the performance of their duties.
  • Assist the ministers in assessing how well they met the previous year’s goals. The purpose of this review is not to give the minister a grade. Rather, it should provide direction for the minister and church leadership as they plan for the next year.
  • Assist and support the ministers in planning for professional development, sabbaticals, etc.
  • Advise the Board and Personnel Committee regarding the ministers’ conditions of employment and compensation.
  • Report annually to the Board.
Church Year

September through May:

Sunday Service is at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Nursery is available for services

June through August:

Sunday Summer Programs are at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care is available

Join us and stay for coffee and conversation. All are welcome!

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Please direct comments on these pages to [email protected]

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal