Rose Window
Unitarian Universalist Church
of Bloomington-Normal
Our Chalice

Upcoming Events
Church Calendar

Announcements and News

A Welcoming Congregation

1613 E. Emerson
Bloomington, IL

Voice Mail: 309.828.0235

Email: [email protected]

Map to Our Church

Church Fund Raising

Web Master
[email protected]

For access to the Members' secure pages, please contact the Web Master or the Church Office


Worship Support Committees

Musicmusical note

The purpose of the Music Committee is to provide a wide range of musical presentations for Sunday services, to stimulate participation by Church youth and adults in our three choirs, and to create other opportunities for participation in musical activities. Among its responsibilities are to:

  • Feature our unique, historical tracker organ (1912) during regular Sunday services, but also at other occasions
  • Present the widest array of opportunities possible for participation by Church members and family members in musical activities
  • Create opportunities for sharing common interests and experiences in musical activities
  • Offer venues for performance by Church members, family members and community members
  • Stimulate interest in music by Church and community members

The Music Committee has the responsibility for providing music for Sunday services, special services, and events such as memorial services and weddings. The Music Committee will include more members, beginning in 2006. Plans are to involve even a greater number of Church members and especially the younger members of our Church in performing in Church. We are formulating a long-range plan for caring for our 100-year old mechanical Tracker Organ. Special music events are being planned for the Sesquicentennial celebration of the Church in 2009, involving the organ, choirs, and guests.


The purpose of the Worship Committee is to provide lay leadership to worship services. Among its responsibilities are to:

  • Recruit and schedule ushers and coffee makers for Sunday services
  • Plan and facilitate lay-led services approximately once a month
  • Assist and advise the Board and Minister on matters related to worship
  • Plan and facilitate summer programs

Church Year

September through May:

Sunday Service is at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Nursery is available for services

June through August:

Sunday Summer Programs are at 10:00 a.m. Nursery care is available

Join us and stay for coffee and conversation. All are welcome!

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Please direct comments on these pages to [email protected]

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal